Wednesday 20 December 2017


We have been very busy this month getting ready for Christmas. We wrote letters to Santa and posted them.

We learned all about Christmas and Santa Claus around the world. There are many different different traditions. For example in Italy presents are delivered on 6th January by a witch named Befana.

Tuesday 12 December 2017


We were extremely busy in room 9 this November.

In maths we were learning about 3-D shapes. We enjoyed singing the 3-D shapes song:

We also made 3-D shapes such as cubes, cuboids, triangular prisms and square based pyramids. We used magnasnaps and lollipop sticks and marla to make these shapes. We also used cardboard nets of the shapes.

We were learning all about houses and homes this month. In art we drew our own houses and in English we wrote all about them. We also designed our own palaces, first we drew them and then we built them using magnasnaps and lego.

In history we learned all about homes in the past. We read about a boy called Jack who lived 100 years ago. We also visited The Round Tower Visitor Centre where we got the chance to look at a bedroom from 100 years ago. There was also a room with lots of old toys and clothes which we really enjoyed.

As part of our work for green schools, we had a low energy day where we couldn't use any electricity. We weren't able to use the interactive whiteboard, the computer or the lights. We want to save energy to help fight global warming. We were also thinking about the energy we use with our bodies so we were counting our steps during the final week in November. Room 9 had the second highest amount of steps in the whole school so we won the silver welly.

Our e-books

We have six new tablets in our school. We have been making e-books with them. We are writing about animals. We all got to choose our own an...